Thursday, January 19, 2012

The GAS man cometh

Like Prince Rupert of the Rhine,we sometimes feel 'potential' never develops into 'fact'.
Our family motto loosely translated from the Spanish can be summed up as 'loyal but unlucky' and as we absorb the facts of the world, mostly from radio and  now on a 24 hour basis,there is an  urge to give form to the radical ideas that still bubble up through our compromised existence.
We don't know what this first post will look like, who will note its existence including 'The Hidden Hand'.....(.love that bit about security being the reward of unceasing vigilance).....or whether we will ever come back to it but we did like Mr Flanders and Mr Swan.
The GAS MAN will post this and see.
GAS - The Platform for Personalised Promotional Products.
They didn't employ in the 60's because LSE was revolting so Great Alternative Stores Ltd was formed.
They didn't employ in the 12's because this is NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN so Great Alternative Stores Ltd was reformed and based on Cloud technology to get over the energy problem with the use of knowledge.

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